S = Slow Down! Not everything is top priority. Drop some things off the list; it’s ok. On purpose, slow your movements and speech. You’ll be amazed at how calming that is.
T = Take a Break! It’s not selfish; it’s self care. You are more important than your tasks. Take that walk, read that book, hold hands with a loved one, go to a movie, go out with friends. Schedule fun into your life.
R = Refocus onto Relationships! Tasks aren’t what make life rewarding; relationships are. Use activities as a way to have fun with those who matter to you. Take advantage of being in the car with the kids or partner and talk; share the events of each other’s day. Call a friend just because.
E = Eat Something Healthy! Stress uses up vital nutrients in our bodies, so make sure you are replacing them daily. Oh, and a little bit of quality chocolate is not a bad thing.
S = Sleep Well! Have a regular bedtime and routine. That signals your brain to prepare for sleep. When you get up, look at the sun; that signals your brain to get ready to work.
S = Seek Help! Don’t even try to do it all on your own. Your friends, family, and neighbors would probably love to help out and are waiting for you to ask . . . so ask.
We all have stress. It's a part of life. However, too much stress suffocates and destroys.
If that’s you or if feeling overwhelmed has become your “normal”, then consider contacting a mental health professional, such as me, to help you find better ways to cope. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it can make.